What if you knew that you only had one more day with someone that you love. Would it make you look at things any differently. How do you know that today isn't the last day? I am writing this blog, after I got the distinct impression (multiple times in the last year) that I was going to lose part of my family members in an accident. I know it sounds crazy and maybe it is, but what has happened to my heart as a result of this feeling, is not crazy-it is AMAZING. For the first time I am looking at things as if they could be my last and that makes me soak them in, and appreciate them more than ever before. What if today really was the last day? I don't know if it will be or not, but I also don't want to take any chances.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Catching moments

Allie is home from school now.  That adds to the chaos but also helps.  I was worried it would be more overwhelming having 3 home all day everyday and that made me feel frustrated at first but then I felt an impression to stop blaming having a third child home all day for the stressful, grumpy feelings I was having.  Allie can be intense, and loud and full on, full energy, full tantrum sometimes but she can also be so helpful, and funny, and imaginative and entertaining to both her sister and her brother.  It was a reminder to me to stop catching all the negatives and start catching all the great things she adds now that she is not in school.  She helps her brother put on his socks and shoes, she can hold the door for him, she helps him and watches him outside when they play.  She is great at keeping Brailie entertained-that is for sure.  They play and play and play.  She likes to help me in the kitchen sometimes and that is nice.  She is good to share with her brother, she can put toothpaste on tooth brushes and reach things that are up high, and lift her brother up in his chair and do his buckles.  Man, when I stop and look at it, she is such a benefit to me.  Ya it is tricky at times keeping all 3 happy and she has a short fuse occasionally and sometimes rallies her sister into a "mom is mean and we aren't going to talk to her anymore" strike, but overall she is my little blessing and I am grateful for the reminder to catch her good things more than her negatives.

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